Animation Portfolio
I have animated on multiple series by the wonderful folks over at Shed Light Studios, including owlegories and several of their spin-offs. Beginning as part of their animation team, it was only a short while before I began editing for them as well as tweaking the existing puppet rigs, staging scenes, and even generating caption transcripts! This was my first experience animating from a script and not voicing from one; as well as my first time being a part of a studio! I loved the experience and can't wait for the opportunity to work with them again in the future! it was quite an adventure that helped me grow exponentially. I focused hard on taking projects that were outside of my comfort zone and I feel the results really speak for themselves! Included in this is a mix of pre-edit and post-edit scenes that are 100% animated by my own hand.
We were provided stock puppets and working on a strict budget with hours of classes to animate on a 2 person team and I loved animating every second of this online learning material. Being a part of the education system and making an impact felt amazing. This was my first large scale animation project in which i was animating daily.